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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An Absolutely Important Step To Take In Order To Achieve Success In Life:

Vision has been defined as the ability to see a preferred future with clarity, coupled with strategic thinking to bring about a preferred future. One visually impaired person was approached by a colleague who tried to sympathize with him because of his inability to see visually but he interjected by saying, “It is better to be visually impaired than to have sight without vision”. We can only capture a vision through the eyes of the heart and this comes about when we take stock of our desires, abilities and how we can use them in meeting our needs in community.

As you look around you will notice so many people with abilities which are lying dormant, this is mainly because they lack a vision. One wise man commented saying, “Without vision, people cast off restraints”. Just try to imagine a pilot flying a plane without a compass. No matter how talented he is, he will certainly miss the cause. Therefore, as we navigate through life, we will need a strong sense of vision to help us navigate through the various issues of life.

The first thing that you need to consider is “what do I have at hand now?” Once you have considered what you have at your disposal, immediately set goals that will give you an urgency to begin doing something about your vision. The greatest enemy to your vision is procrastination. The old adage is quite true, “Tomorrow never comes.” Therefore, implement that business idea today.

Setting goals is a vital tool in helping you realize your vision. A goal is a dream with a deadline. So, consider having short term and long term goals because they will help you work within a timeframe and also give you something to evaluate your progress.

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Achievement - Power And Ability Of A Positive Mind

“Attitude is everything!” This statement carries so much truth that if every one took time to think about it and make necessary adjustment in life, then our lives would change for the better. Many times in our quest for self improvement, we have concentrated on changing and improving many things but our attitude.

Attitude is a person’s frame of mind. It is the mindset that a person has that helps him to develop a world view. Attitude is expressed by how we respond to issues. One person once said, “Life is not what happens to you but how you respond to issues”. Two individuals may encounter a similar negative situation but how they will each respond will determine the outcome.

One of the main attitudes we need to embrace is cultivating a positive mindset or attitude. As you read through history you encounter ordinary individuals who did extra ordinary things. Moses in the Bible was known to stammer in his speech but he became the deliverer. Abraham Lincoln on the other hand educated himself; he had no formal education but became the most acclaimed president in the history of the United States.

Mother Teresa, a simple nun in Calcutta also became an icon through her acts of mercy and philanthropy. The list could go on and on. What characterized these people was a positive mindset, they all believed in possibilities and they responded decisively for the good of humanity.

Regardless of your present status and condition, you can accomplish anything with positive thinking. There is power that is released through positive thinking and once it is released, it will always work for you. Positive thinking acts to enhance your abilities and virtues. Nothing is impossible to him that believes.

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